resources & useful links
Take a look at our resources and useful links, and see the extent of support available.
Young Minds
Action for Happiness
Young Minds offers practical tips, advice and information on getting the support you need.
Action for Happiness
Kooth is an anonymous site which helps children and young people to feel safe and confident in exploring their concerns and seeking professional support.
Action for Happiness
Tips, info and support to help 16 – 25 year olds cope with health, wellbeing and social difficulties.
Action for Happiness
Games, quizzes and activities to help keep young people 11+ safe around alcohol.
Action for Happiness
The R;pple Suicide Prevention Charity
This is a unique piece of tech – it interrupts online searches for content about self-harm or suicide.
But it is also very simple. It’s a browser extension that can be found on the web store for the browser(s) used on your organisation’s machines – and easily downloaded by your IT team on a few or thousands of laptops/desktops.
It doesn’t track people. In no way does it identify the person conducting the search that has triggered the popup screens.
It is designed (in conjunction with many mental health experts, charities, forums and professors), to simply halt someone in a crisis - and gently nudge them towards seeking help.
R;pple tool is free of charge for individual's PCs and Laptops
and educational establishments (PCs and Laptops owned and managed by the School, College or University).
Individuals and family member interested in downloading the R;pple tool, should refer to our website: www.ripplesuicideprevention.com
Companies, Public sector organisations, Schools, Colleges & Universities as well as Charities, should contact, Luke Haseldine at R;pple Suicide Prevention Charity: luke@ripplesuicideprevention.com for further information and discussions about taking the R;pple tool.
Action for Happiness
Zero Suicide Alliance provide free suicide awareness training for students that teaches how to identify, understand and help someone who may be experiencing suicidal thoughts.
Action for Happiness
Action for Happiness
Action for happiness is a charity sharing tips on how to live a happier life.